
Today?  It’s all about gratitude.  I would fail to accurately describe my gratitude for my friends and family who have been there for me and keep being there for me.

For my dad, who will randomly pull me in for a hug even though that’s very much not who he is.  Or, really, who I am.  I don’t always realize how much a hug is exactly what I need until it’s delivered.  And his hugs are always good.

For my friends like Aubrey, Kristy, Todd, Jay, etc., who graciously respond to my ridiculous texts or comments over drinks.  My friends have been not only emotionally supportive but also mentally supportive as they’ve given me tools, activities to do, and problem scenarios to consider.  Continue reading “Gratitude”

Runs with Scissors Kindness

There have been people in my life who I’ve thought that someday they’d look back and regret how they treated me. Because of this, I remain vigilant of how I treat others not only with my words and actions but also in patterns. I’m human, so I am bound to make mistakes. Sometimes I’ll wish I could take back something I’ve said or wish I had been braver to say something at all. Sometimes I’ll consider what action I did or didn’t do and wonder if it could have gone better. I’ve always been one to over-analyze things, but this helps me to observe my patterns. If I should speak out of turn or act unladylike, I hope the one I’ve offended is able to consider my patterns of life and recognize my mistake is not a major component of my life.

Sure, friendships and relationships come and go, but I aim for mine to have easy transitions. There’s that saying of “If I cut you off, chances are, you handed me the scissors.” I hope I never have to use those proverbial scissors, but I will if I must. I hope nobody uses those proverbial scissors on me either. Maturity in communication is key.

I’m human, I’m flawed, I’m not perfect, but I’m constantly working on being a better version of myself than I was the day before.

Christina Rossetti once penned these closing lines, “Better by far you should forget and smile / Than that you should remember and be sad.”

To those in my past, I aim to smile if/when your memory comes to mind. I hope you can do the same for me.

To everyone else including myself, let’s be consciously kinder. You’ll never regret being kind.

Farewell to Stupid

Life Lesson #92317: Devon* does stupid stuff the best.

Just the other day I wrote down my thoughts about Devon, how I was frustrated with his constant game playing.  The latest being his text to me followed by my response followed by . . . his silence.  Devon was all over social media, so I knew he was intentionally ignoring my message.  That was enough for me.

To my surprise, I was up early this other morning.  Still not sure what prompted me to text him and share my thoughts, but, hey, it happened.  Told him I thought he was being a jerk and some other more colorful things.  Far more colorful than I ever normally speak.  (Texting before 10 AM is always a bad idea for me.  Brain never functions well that early.)  Unfortunately, I sent the text with the crash language prior to applying better judgment.  There are better ways to communicate my frustration than using the words I used.  Oh well.

It was not surprising that Devon finally responded.  Responded somewhat more maturely than I thought he would have too.  Kudos to him for that.  Finally showing some signs of emotional maturity?  Maybe?  Hopefully.

Continue reading “Farewell to Stupid”

Life Lesson #9201

Life Lesson #9201: Don’t wear clothes.

You take a sweater out of storage because it is wicked chilly since winter has come early to New England, but the sweater smells like your ex and his laundry detergent. You toss out a string of bad words you didn’t even know you knew before tossing off your clothes because clothes are stupid.