Mission Update: Part 1

It’s been a few weeks since my last post because my schedule has been rather busy.  Between familial obligations and traveling, I haven’t had a lot of traditional downtime.  December, thus far, has not disappointed though.  These first two weeks of the month have been full of activity.  

Things have/have not gone anywhere with Pete.  (Is anyone surprised?)  He’s been calling me occasionally on his ride home from work.  We tend to chat for an hour or so with plenty of lighthearted and flirtatious banter.  Sometimes weird, but usually playful and silly.  He’s said a few times that he’s missed me and that we should hang out, but he hasn’t actually asked me out again or invited me over.  I’m feeling far less pressure to hang out with him, flirt with him, makeout with him, etc.  He’s not made time for me in his schedule other than the emotional connection of those phone calls, and I haven’t been curious or interested enough to figure out why.  I’ve not lost interest in Pete entirely, but my focus has been directed elsewhere as of late. Continue reading “Mission Update: Part 1”

Platonic What?

After all that’s happened this month with Pete and men in general, I came up with a horrible plan last night as I tried to fall asleep.

What if I played along with Pete’s platonic friend request while merely choosing to let him fulfill my emotional, mental, and maybe even some physical needs?  Downright use him like guys always do to me!  (Hush, I know this is a HORRIBLE idea, but it keeps making me giggle.)

I could probably turn this into a whole Friends-With-Benefits scenario.  I’m tired of getting F’d over, so why not do it a little myself instead?  Pretty sure my “Pete Can Call It Platonic But That’s Not What I’m Doing” plan is a solid mess, and I love it. Continue reading “Platonic What?”

Defining the Undefined

I’ve felt more feelings in 2017 than I ever like to feel.  This past holiday weekend was no exception.

Oh Thanksgiving . . .  Where do I begin?

Facebook seems to be doing her darndest not to let me ever forget anything I ever did with my ex including the last three Thanksgivings I had spent with him.  Thoughts of him still yield a dosage of hurt for myself, but I hurt for him too.  I wondered if he had found a place to spend Thanksgiving.  He may always hold a place in my heart, but I just can’t have him hold a place in my life!

Thanksgiving lunch with my extended family greatly surpassed my expectations.  I actually had a lovely time.  Even spent some quality time with my favorite cousin.  

After lunch, I stopped by Pete’s place to bring him a plate of Thanksgiving deliciousness from my family’s party.  Pete, not seeming to be close to his family, had made no plans to be anywhere for Thanksgiving.  I felt badly for him, so I offered to bring him food.

My time with Pete that night was the weirdest yet.  Intentionally or not, Pete made me feel really stupid that Thursday night.  I tried to be honest and vulnerable with him because that’s how good friendships start, how people get to know each other when they’re casually dating and dating.  After all, Pete’s the first guy I’ve gone out with on more than one date in years.  I found myself opening up to the idea of dating Pete intellectually, emotionally, and physically.  But Pete?  Pete was downright cold to me on Thursday night.  I left early and cried on my way home.  Great 4th date!  NOT.

Pete and I did not speak to each other at all on Friday.  On Saturday, we texted briefly.  Pete admitted he was pulling back but that he still wanted to be my friend.  I called BS on that.  He then said he wasn’t that attracted to me anymore.  What kind of guy tells a girl that?  No woman ever wants to hear that a guy no longer finds her physically or sexually attractive.  There are far better ways he could have communicated his disinterest than using those words.  If he had met someone else who sparked his fancy more, that’s okay.  He could have told me he simply weren’t interested in casually dating me.  He didn’t need to insult my looks or sexuality.  

I cried again. Continue reading “Defining the Undefined”

Casual Dating

This weekend, Pete asked me to hang out with him.  A big part of me wanted to immediately agree to that, but a small part of me wondered if hanging out with him again was actually going to be a good idea.  Going with my November mantra of “be open to new possibilities and put myself out there”, I agreed to meet him again.

Pete’s just another one of those things in my life of which I wish I had a better understanding.  Before I arrived, we discussed relationships, dating, and everything in between.  He, recently out of a bad relationship, shared he isn’t looking for anything serious.  I’m still wondering why I keep choosing to hang out with him because that’s probably a bad idea as I’m not really into the whole casual scene, but I can’t even figure myself out.  

To me, casual dating seems stupid and illogical.  If a person isn’t looking for anything serious, they shouldn’t be dating.  If they’re looking for a hookup, own up to that.  If they’re looking to have the emotional benefits of someone in their life without the physical, own up to that too.  Casual dating is nothing.  Casual dating means that person who is spending time with you isn’t invested in you.  

So for Pete to tell me he’d only like to casually date me for now means that he isn’t that into me.  Honesty sucks sometimes, but that’s the truth.  Maybe he’ll be into me in a bigger way with time, maybe not.  Maybe he views me as a temporary placeholder for whatever he’s hoping will come his way in the future.  Viewing my friendship with Pete in that light doesn’t make me feel very good, but I keep choosing to give my time to him.  He’s stupid, but so am I. Continue reading “Casual Dating”

The “I” Triumvirate

In friendships and relationships, there’s a triumvirate that takes place: INTEREST, INTENT, and INVESTMENT.  There isn’t a specific order for these three elements, but all must be present in order for any semblance of a successful friendship or relationship.  Here’s a better description of what I mean when I discuss the triumvirate.

INTEREST = Easily summed up as “Huh, you have captivated my attention.”  This could be in a romantic way, a physical way, an emotional way, a mental way.  Something that gets one’s attention on another human being.  In friendships, it is often manifested in similar likes and dislikes.  In romance, it is often that initial physical attraction that leads to an emotional or mental attraction.  You’ll never befriend or date someone who doesn’t interest you on some level.  No friendship or relationship could ever work if the parties are not interested in each other.

INTENT = The “why I’m with you” factor, the purpose, the reason.  Why are you connecting with someone?  Spending time with someone?  What’s your purpose?  You connect with someone because you want to get to know them better, you want to share things with them, you want them to share things with you.  Your purpose could be that you think they might be intellectually stimulating for you.  Your purpose could be that you want to makeout with them.  Your purpose could be that you think they could be your soulmate, your best friend, your battle buddy, etc.  Friendships and relationships happen for a reason, so find your purpose.

INVESTMENT = The “How I spend time with you” part.  If you want someone in your life, you spend time with them on some level.  Maybe you communicate through text messages, long distance phone calls, letters, emails, over coffee, out at your favorite club on a Friday night, on that once a year trip to Jamaica with the girls, on a daily 5-minute FaceTime.  What YOU do to spend time developing a friendship or romantic relationship with that other person.  In order for a friendship or relationship to work, both parties need to be equally invested.

A person’s intent to meet other people or date other people could then spark an interest with someone which would promote an investment with that person.  A person could be interested/attracted to someone which would encourage investment then lead to the intention of purposefully spending time with that other individual.  A person could find themselves investing in the life of someone else then eventually develop interest and intention.  Maybe even interest, intent, and investment can all happen at the same time too.  The variables are plenty.  

With considering these three items, I acknowledge that I was and am disappointed on what did and did not happen tonight with Pete (“Mr. Kittens”).

Big sigh.

On Sunday during our several-hour talk, Pete asked me to reserve this evening for him, so I did.  I rearranged my schedule to free up my Wednesday night which included getting a haircut a day earlier because I wanted to look cute for Pete.

Monday, Pete hadn’t said anything about where and when we’d meet up.  Tuesday, nothing again.  He had already warned me that he’s horrible at texting, so I was giving him space.  Wednesday afternoon, I started getting nervous but knew that Pete gets heavily focused at work.  

When my phone rang at 6:45 PM and it was Pete, I smiled.  Figured he was calling to tell me where to meet him.

Nope.  Not what happened. Continue reading “The “I” Triumvirate”


Today?  It’s all about gratitude.  I would fail to accurately describe my gratitude for my friends and family who have been there for me and keep being there for me.

For my dad, who will randomly pull me in for a hug even though that’s very much not who he is.  Or, really, who I am.  I don’t always realize how much a hug is exactly what I need until it’s delivered.  And his hugs are always good.

For my friends like Aubrey, Kristy, Todd, Jay, etc., who graciously respond to my ridiculous texts or comments over drinks.  My friends have been not only emotionally supportive but also mentally supportive as they’ve given me tools, activities to do, and problem scenarios to consider.  Continue reading “Gratitude”


For the first time in I don’t know how long, I’ve finally had a few moments of peace.  There’s been a hurricane in my heart and mind for months, maybe even years.  But right now?  At this unique moment in time?  I have peace.

It’s not just having written down my standards or goals or 5-year plan (all of which I’ve done since my latest major life upheaval), but it’s that lightbulb moment where I known I have the right idea, the right standards, the right goals, the right plans.  And I’m okay with modifying any of those at any time.  Continue reading “Peace”

50 Days Remaining

50 days . . . A mere 50 days until 2018. 50 days to complete my final 2017 resolution. And things are not going well. Deer in headlights time!

What is my final 2017 resolution you ask?  Oh dear.  Pause for a moment and lower your standards for resolutions.

Now lower them again.

Keep going.


KEEP GOING LOWER! Continue reading “50 Days Remaining”

You’re In A Mood

I’ve been battling a cold or flu or something this week.  When I arrived at group dinner, I felt off.  I was early as usual, and everybody else was a little tardy as usual.  Claire’s boyfriend joined us this time for a change which the dynamics of our normal group dinner different.  

Marcus was the first to arrive, and I immediately felt myself bristle.  Why?  Was it because I wasn’t feeling well or because things had been so weird the last time he and I had gone out on our non-date date?  The night where we said too much and drank too much?  The night he should have at least made out with me?  

I definitely knew I didn’t feel like putting up with anybody’s bullshit even his.  And I told him that.  He laughed, “Well, you’re in a mood.”  I nodded in agreement.  

Most of my dinner conversations were with Claire, a handful with her boyfriend, and but a few with Marcus.  I didn’t want to talk with him because all I wanted to do was talk with him.  Does that even make sense?  Dear lord, I’m losing my mind. Continue reading “You’re In A Mood”

A Lack of Anniversaries and Patience

Today would have been my 3rd anniversary with Ross had we stayed together.  The death of a dream (the idea of us) bothers me today far more than the reality.  I thought we’d be engaged by now, maybe even married.  I thought we’d be figuring out when to have kids.  I never imagined I’d be single and childless at my age.  I never thought I’d be where I am now, but that’s how it is.  I’m back to square one.  Sure, it is true in that I’d rather be lonely and single than lonely in a relationship, but I’m still feeling sad today.  And that’s okay.  Ross and I couldn’t make it work.  I’ll never have another anniversary with him.

The lack of an anniversary with him isn’t what is bothering me, it is how I thought my life would be different from what it is today.  I feel sad and impatient.  Thought I’d be in a better place in life than where I currently am not only in relationships but also in my work, in my living situation, in my friendships.  I thought I’d be . . . more.  I thought I’ve worked hard enough for more by now.

It’s been a little over 24-hours since I heard back from Pete/Mr. Kittens.  Can’t say I’m pleased about that either.  Once again, I am impatient.  I just want to be with someone who is as eager to talk with me, spend time with me, be near me as I am for them and with them.  I have forgotten what it feels like to be valued, loved, cared for, sought after, cherished.

We always want what we don’t have.

I also want pizza.  #PizzaForever